Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 23: April 4th, 2020

Day 23
Talked to my Mom this morning. Everything is going well.

I did chores and ate.

Played Terraria for a while. Games are a good distraction when I am feeling less stressed. 

I washed some material for sewing more masks.

I ate what we are calling spaghetti lasagna. It probably has a real name, but it is a delicious pile of baked spaghetti with (a so-called Mexican blend of) cheese on top because there was no veg. parmesan at the store. It was delicious!

I've been reading a lot about mask construction and mask safety pertaining to cloth masks. It is pretty interesting. I guess materials are important, but equally as important is proper mask use. Good materials to use are thick tightly woven cotton materials. Three layers of quilting fabric or thick t-shirt material is good, or double layered cotton upholstery material is great too. Then, not touching the front of the mask, where air is sucked through is the main point of proper usage. This area is where most droplets would be. Taking the mask off, and putting it on via straps is the best hygienic practice.

I am glad that I have not had to wear my mask anywhere except on a neighborhood walk. I did wear my bandana inside of a store, but I was careful not to touch the front of the bandana after I wore it. I only recently read / watched about how to wear a mask.

So, tonight I tried installing a game that was on sale, but it was installing slowly. My computer needed some tlc. It took all night to clean things up. Working on my computer or coding something always turns into a time sink. A good quarantine activity, I suppose.

I was being extra nerdy tonight and looked at Magic cards during my install waiting time.