Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 31: April 12th, 2020

Day 31
I need to find a way to calm down. I woke up very anxious today. I felt sick from anxiety.

My boyfriend went to the store this morning. There were a few things still that we needed, so I went to another store. I waited in line to get in, shopped masked as per the new normal, and got my three items. I kept dropping stuff on the floor. I hate anxiety.

I did the ritual cleaning when I got home. Since I was having a difficult time today, I decided to go on a walk around the neighborhood.

I took photos of some of the flowers at businesses and a yard. There were chalk Easter bunnies and Easter eggs drawn on several blocks. It was pretty adorable. The other walkers were much easier to walk around today. I think we are all getting a bit more aware of our situation. 

Did see a man in a worn plaid dress shirt and khakis digging through a dumpster behind the frozen yogurt place by my apartment. Never have seen that happen before.

I listened to some music and watched sketch comedy. I feel a bit better now.

Made some chocolate mug cakes. They were cute, but I'm not sure they settled well. Do not recommend.

Had a lot of fun laughing about random things tonight. Needed that.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 27: April 8th, 2020

Day 27
Woke up, took recycling out to the dumpster with my handkerchief on my face. Then I walked around the parking lot in the sunshine. Still amazed at the lack of masks and face coverings on other people. Saw some people doing laundry.

I took photos of my trees growing on my balcony because I realized I nearly have a forest going out there. Birds drop seeds in my planters and I let the trees grow. 

Looking at the news today. Bernie suspended his campaign. Probably for the best. I just hope that Biden can try to learn from the Bernie and Warren supporters about what we want to help turn this country around. Most important, still, is just supporting the democratic candidate so we can have a chance. I want a president that supports and protects, or at least tries to support and protect, the whole country not just private interests.

One thing I noticed yesterday, but forgot to write, was that I forget more often to do my daily stretches. Even while my boyfriend works from home, each day feels odd. Not quite a weekend but not a normal weekday either. I have tmj stretches on my to-do list, and even still, I wonder why I hurt if I have not done a stretch in a couple of days. Ugh.

Trying to sew again today and having another fight with my machine. Is it me? Is it my lack of machine oil. I think it is mostly the lack of oil, but it is also a little bit me. I do not sew very often. I just wish I had someway to help other than sitting on my ass.

I want to help, but I feel helpless. I am frustrated.

Worked on trying to get my old laptop up and running. It won't connect to the internet. I finally got it to work. Who knew that following instructions could be helpful. Huh. A newer operating system would be nice. I think I have the Mac equivalance of Windows 7 or possibly Vista.

Ate tofu and bean tacos for dinner while watching youtube latenight and BA videos.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Day 25: April 6th, 2020

Day 25
I woke very early this morning and did not feel so great. I played games on my phone until I fell back asleep.

Finally, I woke up later and did chores and such. I checked social media.

Learned that Oregon is a big donator of ventilators to New York. ❤️
After finding my binoculars in my gardening bin, I started doing nature observations for a volunteer program. This is something I wanted to do, but things were always getting in the way.

I played some videos games for an hour or so, this time I played Monster High. 

Next, I started working on more cloth masks. I am trying a new pattern, one I can donate if there is still a need.

I was fighting with the sewing machine most of the night. I got one mask finished and another cut out. The new masks are thinner, but they fit better.

I watched the rest of Kim's Convenience and Man Like Mobeen along with latenight shows.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 23: April 4th, 2020

Day 23
Talked to my Mom this morning. Everything is going well.

I did chores and ate.

Played Terraria for a while. Games are a good distraction when I am feeling less stressed. 

I washed some material for sewing more masks.

I ate what we are calling spaghetti lasagna. It probably has a real name, but it is a delicious pile of baked spaghetti with (a so-called Mexican blend of) cheese on top because there was no veg. parmesan at the store. It was delicious!

I've been reading a lot about mask construction and mask safety pertaining to cloth masks. It is pretty interesting. I guess materials are important, but equally as important is proper mask use. Good materials to use are thick tightly woven cotton materials. Three layers of quilting fabric or thick t-shirt material is good, or double layered cotton upholstery material is great too. Then, not touching the front of the mask, where air is sucked through is the main point of proper usage. This area is where most droplets would be. Taking the mask off, and putting it on via straps is the best hygienic practice.

I am glad that I have not had to wear my mask anywhere except on a neighborhood walk. I did wear my bandana inside of a store, but I was careful not to touch the front of the bandana after I wore it. I only recently read / watched about how to wear a mask.

So, tonight I tried installing a game that was on sale, but it was installing slowly. My computer needed some tlc. It took all night to clean things up. Working on my computer or coding something always turns into a time sink. A good quarantine activity, I suppose.

I was being extra nerdy tonight and looked at Magic cards during my install waiting time.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Day 22: April 3rd, 2020

Day 22
Woke up with no cat bothering me. I brushed her for a half hour last night. That seemed to help her feel better. She had a knot in her tail that needed brushed out.

Went for a neighborhood walk. I tried out my mask. I wish more people were wearing masks. I have only seen one person at my complex wearing one. A dust mask is better than no mask.

Saw multiple people at the bus stop. I wonder if they know there is no bus or if it was for a special transport.

I wish people would be more careful when driving. Pedestrians are needing to be extra cautious and go out of their way to avoid each other. It would be nice if cars would not try to run us over while doing so. 

My mask worked well. The tissue under the nose trick only worked ok.

Very happy to go for a walk. I have been very tense and it has been hard to eat and sleep as a result. I never realized how often I do go on hikes and walks until I was forced to adapt to pandemic life.

Sewed another mask tonight. 

I trimmed my hair. I usually cut my own hair, so this is no different from usual. 

Afterwards, I played Terraria.

We ate veggie burgers for dinner, with whole wheat buns this time! 

I played games on my phone until I slept.