Day 39
Woke up and went back to researching mattresses.
I keep noticing that they have sales often and so the prices jump around. Though I am getting better at determining the quality of foam mattresses by eye, I do not know how to be fully sure of what I am getting. May look into videos later.
Noticed a mattress company or two are making cloth masks for the public. One was selling them at cost.
Whelp, we did it folks. Oil is worthless. It tanked down to .10 a barrel and then into the negatives.
Looked at the projects I want to do because I started to get overwhelmed. I need to research mattresses, I want to sew some handkerchiefs and cleaning cloths, and I want to plan and plant the garden soon.
Swept my building's stairs because no one is coming around to do it. I honestly do not mind doing it because sometimes the building uses a leaf blower which does not work well.
I did some cleaning and chores.
Watched a movie, The Death Of Stalin. It was pretty good. It had Michael Palin and Steve Buscemi in it.
I was feeling relaxed enough to read the news tonight. Then I read that we are running out of C02 for processing a number of food and beverages and possibly water. I really hope they figure it out soon. Sounds like our VP was warned April 7th. Normally, I would not be worried, but I feel like this administration cannot take care of important necsesities.