Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Day 19: March 31st, 2020

Day 19

Accidentally deleted this day in my notepad. Wow. Where is ctrl+z when you need it? Well, here is what I recalled happened.

I ate breakfast, the storm light outside was really pretty outside. I took a photo to put online. 

Listened to an at home John Legend concert.

I talked to my mom on a new app. It was really nice to see her and my dad, and to talk to her. I paced on my balcony with my gaming headset on, video chatting with my mom for a while.

Then I rearranged the airpurifier because the apartment is getting stuffy. Bad airflow plus not leaving the apartment plus rain is not a good combo. I hate allergies.

I watched more of The Office.

Talked about camping and Idaho in general and looked at randomness online. (See Day 20 when it goes live.)

Day 14: March 26th, 2020

Day 14
Waiting for final prescription to be filled. It has been 5 days since I requested them. Presciption rules are particularly dumb right now when I want to make few as possible trips to the pharmacy.

Found the obituary for my boyfriend's great aunt. She died a little over a week ago. 

Today was a sad day. 

Day 13: March 25th, 2020

Day 13
Helping boyfriend troubleshoot work from home situation.
Microphone not working on either computer for skype. Trying to figure out why. Have two mics. One is a headset. 
Parkinglot is very full today. Good sign that people are not listening to our dumb president.

Boyfriend did a food shopping trip. Missed a couple items. Still no cleaning supplies. We only have a little bottle of bleach and about 5 clorox wipes. And half a container of rubbing alcohol. I hate to even use it when we need it. Some regular bar soap is on the way from amazon and we have the soap I am allergic to. 

I am glad for the lessons I learned from my wwII/depression era grand parents. We are not doing too bad, except for the cleaning supplies. And we know how to make things last a bit.

People outside at 5 standing in the parking lot at 6ft apart talking and laughing. It is an odd sight. I want to walk, but need to wait for the standers to be gone.

Watching Blast From the Past. Rented it on Youtube. I love the soundtrack and thought the theme of living in the bunker was suitable but still funny enough to make us laugh at our current isolation situation.

The news is rough today. I hope people can stay at home as much as possible and eventually get the support they need from the billionaires.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day 8:March 20, 2020

Day 8
Slept in. 
Just feel tired and headachey.
I have been doing much more than normal. It is good, but I need to remember to watch my health more carefully. 

Went on social media

Looked through my gg'mas old post cards. Found ones from during spanish flu.

Posted 3 of my family's post cards on twitter. I have some family post cards from during the 1918 influenza (aka the spanish flu), which lasted in the US from 1918 through 1920. 

I thought I would post a few of the post cards, because, like tweets, they say a little about life during a pandemic, like a short story.
I have fewer postcards from this time period compared to before and after. I do not know if my great grandmother was just busier or life was more hectic for them in general.

I did notice they tried to talk even if they had nothing to say. ❤️ That's love.

Boyfriend and I are rating car alarms. First today was a little weak, not great sound. We have a favorite, it gets a lot of air time and it has a nice beat. 

Went out for a walk around the neighborhood. It was rush hour on friday. It looked more like 8pm on a Monday. There was a jogger and a couple people doing yard work. We tried our best to navigate from parked cars and mail boxes.

Watched some youtube, faves being Jimmy kimmel with his fam with formal friday was cute and binging with babish and his pantry basics chickpea edition, very inventive.

Ended the night with popcorn and Australian soccer.

Day 10:March 22, 2020

Day 10
Very stressed.